
L Martin Photography

I believe everything has a soul and a story—not just people and animals, but the mountains, the trees, a glassy lake that is ‘home’ to many creatures. Just imagine all that a 200-year-old oak tree has seen in her lifetime! For me, it’s amazing to think about and one of the reasons I am so passionate about photography.


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This gallery showcases some of the extraordinary wildlife I’ve ‘met’ while trekking throughout the Appalachian Mountains and the southeastern United States. 

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The best photos make the viewer feel as if they can close their eyes and step into a scene that a photographer has captured—breathing in the crisp cool morning air, listening as birds chirp their perfectly-pitched songs of ‘hello’, or feeling the rush of ocean waves washing ashore to gently pull the sand from underneath their toes.



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May these blooms also serve as a gentle reminder to us that no matter how long the winter lasts or heavy the rain falls, these beauties find the strength to rise again, and so must we.

In its earliest form, photography depicted the entire world in black and white. Flash forward to the modern 21st century and I still love the stripped-down nature of black and white photos.

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Alexis III.jpg

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I am not a portrait style photographer with overthought pose suggestions and a cookie-cutter shot list, but rather, a lifestyle photographer attempting to be a fly-on-the-wall, quietly observing and catching candid, human moments in which the soul shines through.

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I love catching your furry family members on camera! As a life-long animal lover and proud pet-mama to goats, chickens, cats and a lovable black lab named Luke, I am in my element when I am connecting to animals of nearly any kind. I’ll do my best to bring out their energy and personality during our pet portrait session.